Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Game Elements Reading

Game Elements Readings

I read this article on The part on page 3 of the article discussing Mario 64 I found very interesting as it discusses how the games simple and easy to grasp controls allow the player to interact with the game and to have god control over how they do things and the way in which they do them without making mistakes and feeling like it was the games fault.

I also enjoyed this section page 5 of the article detailing how the narrative/story of the game is often times what drives the player to complete the game as the player will become invested in the story and will want to see how it ends. I found this interesting as i'm sure some people may feel that engaging gameplay is what keeps the player invested in the game. In some instances it can be the narrative of the game can be what keeps the player invested especially if the gameplay isn't anything special or unique.

I also enjoyed reading this part of the article on Page 7 detailing how the gameplay of a game can lead to the creation of player created stories the example given was how in a fighting game the experience the player has often times becomes a story on its own. This is relatable to me as often times playing an online game can led to player driven stories and events being created that aren't planned by the game designers. Having game mechanics that lead to gameplay storytelling is very important in my opinion.

The Elements of Game Design

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